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Man & Goanna Violet by Gary Reid

Man & Goanna Violet by Gary Reid

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 10,49 €Aktueller Preis ist: 8,90 €. / ½ lfm

Mindestbestellmenge: 2,5 Meter

Gary Reid is a popular and skilled designer. His designs are colourful, neat and bold. His works are well defined and very attractive. He comes from the northern side of Australia. There are about thirty different types and sizes of goanna available in the world. However, Australia along has got more than 20 goanna species. The largest size of goanna is native to Australia. Except for Tasmania, all the other states of Australia have Various types of goannas. They accustomed to surviving in varied climate conditions. In Australia, the blue tongue goanna is very popular. It is widely seen in Northern territory. Gary Reid presented his design work professionally. His design is very attractive and to enhance his design profile he skilfully incorporated digging sticks, boomerang, waterhole, men and women as visitors. Gary’s designs are praiseworthy.

20,98  17,80  / m

Lieferzeit: Verfügbar ab voraussichtlich 15. November

Nicht vorrätig

Federweicher und hochwertiger Baumwollstoff mit lebendigen Aborigine-Design. Jedes Muster wird durch eine Aborigine-Künstlerin entworfen und erzählt eine Geschichte aus ihrer Kultur.

Erhältlich ab einer Einheit von 0,5 Meter. Bitte gewünschte Anzahl an 0,5 m Einheiten in den Warenkorb legen. Einheiten werden am Stück geliefert.

  • Herkunft: Australien
  • Material: sehr feine, weiche Baumwolle (100%)
  • Breite: 110 cm
  • Gewicht: 131 g/m2 (nach Wäsche)
  • SocialSur+: Mindestens 1,00 € pro verkauften Laufmeter spenden wir an Hilfsprojekte.

Lieferanten kennenlernen.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,07 kg


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