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Men and Women Hunting Purple by Kerry Pearce

Men and Women Hunting Purple by Kerry Pearce

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 10,49 €Aktueller Preis ist: 8,90 €. / ½ lfm

Mindestbestellmenge: 2,5 Meter

Indigenous people of Australia hunt and fetch their food from various sources came from the bush, the land and the sea. They use Bush Tucker such as Bush Banana, Bush Berries, Bush Plums etc. as their diet. They also hunt in the wild for wild animals. Men hunt Kangaroo with various hunting tools they have procured from their ancestors and women pick the fruits & vegetables from the bush. Over the years, they have learnt various ways of hunting, collecting and preparing their food.

Kerry Pearce is a young artist from the Coniston Station in the northwest of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. She belongs to Anmatyerre language group. Her learning with art & crafts helped her to gain a skilful hand and the teachings from her family and ancestors. In this artwork, Kerry depicted on how her people used to hunt in the bush for their food.

20,98  17,80  / m

Lieferzeit: Verfügbar ab voraussichtlich 15. November

Nicht vorrätig

Federweicher und hochwertiger Baumwollstoff mit lebendigen Aborigine-Design. Jedes Muster wird durch eine Aborigine-Künstlerin entworfen und erzählt eine Geschichte aus ihrer Kultur.

Erhältlich ab einer Einheit von 0,5 Meter. Bitte gewünschte Anzahl an 0,5 m Einheiten in den Warenkorb legen. Einheiten werden am Stück geliefert.

  • Herkunft: Australien
  • Material: sehr feine, weiche Baumwolle (100%)
  • Breite: 110 cm
  • Gewicht: 131 g/m2 (nach Wäsche)
  • SocialSur+: Mindestens 1,00 € pro verkauften Laufmeter spenden wir an Hilfsprojekte.

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Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,07 kg


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